When I talk about LEGO® Learning as it happens in our home, I am most often talking about adding LEGOs to what we already do. Like adding a couple of LEGO men to our Pop Rocket Science Experiment. For my LEGO fans, it just seems natural to bring the little bricks into every area of life. And that includes our homeschool.
What are you doing today that LEGO Enrichment would benefit?
In other words, let’s think outside the box. I can tell you right now it was not my idea to strap LEGO men to film canisters and send them shooting into the air. That was all my son’s idea. But I think he had that idea because we incorporate LEGOs often. Whether it is teaching a lesson on LEGO art, or handing the kids LEGO writing paper for an assignment — when I’m trying to make learning happen cheerfully I incorporate some LEGOs.
And truthfully, it’s not just LEGOs. It’s anything my kids love. On any given day, it could be Minecraft®, Princesses, Horses, LEGOs or all of the above combined. It’s that Delight-Directed Learning my friend Marcy is always talking about. And the longer I homeschool, the more I aim for this approach. Inspiring my kids to learn by bringing the things they love into our homeschool and tracking down their interests with a fervor.
On Tuesday, I guest-posted at Free Homeschool Deals about Using the LEGOs your Child Already Owns to Homeschool. In that post, I say this:
So think of some areas where your child needs a little motivation. What does he struggle with? What does she fight you over? Those are the areas where LEGOs can make the biggest difference in your homeschool.
That’s the bottom line I think. If you don’t have time to do LEGO Enrichment for everything, pick the area where your kids are most likely to drag their feet. Then do a little searching on our Pinterest LEGO Learning board and think outside the box.
How Can You Use LEGOs to make a difference in your homeschool today?
You will be amazed at the possibilities.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this web site.
I’ve really enjoyed reading about how to use Legos in homeschooling. I look forward to utilizing these in our schooling future…
I really need to pull out the Legos way more than I do. Thank you for the encouragement (push) to do it!