Are you are feeling some of the heat of homeschooling burn-out (or maybe a lot)? Or perhaps it's just that feeling like things are a bit mundane and you are going through the same motions day after day. I definitely experience that from time to time. But I have learned how to refresh my mind and attitude toward homeschooling by reframing my job as a minister of the Lord, rather than just a Continue Reading >>

About Vida Mercer
Vida is a homeschooling veteran of a different type. She was homeschooled herself--back when it was unheard of--from birth to college. Now she homeschools her two daughters and blogs at Mercer Homeschooling where her goal is to bring you the most effective and enjoyable resources, curriculum, and tips. After her children, Vida's greatest passion is to encourage other homeschooling moms to enjoy the journey. You can also find her on Facebook and Pinterest.