Are you and your children curious about the people of Asia and how they live? Have you been wondering where all of the homeschool curriculum showcasing they history of Asia has gone? Do you want to give your children a heart for missions and a heart for God’s World? Asia: It’s People and History by Bonnie Rose Hudson is a wonderful way to bring the history and cultures of the people in Asia alive for your children.
Each country covered in the book is chapter comprised of several short stories (which my children love), discussion questions for each story, informative historical narrative and factual information for each country, crossword puzzles. word searches, and/or other activities to get your kids thinking about the precious people of Asia and their need for the Savior. For instance, in the chapter on Bangladesh, there is a chart with a list of all the animals found in the country with a game to play where you match the animal to it’s description. Your kids learn all about the animal’s of Bangladesh and have fun at the same time. In the chapter on Iran, your children will do a map activity labeling Iran and some of it’s neighboring countries. In the chapter on China, the story of Rachel and her sister surviving a fire is quite exciting and the chapter ends with a series of prayer reminders for the people of China. Here is an example of some of the discussion questions:
- Have you ever heard of the Boxer Rebellion before?
- Do you think it’s right or wrong for a country to force missionaries to leave? Why or why not?
Asia: It’s People and History is a 16 week study. You could speed this up if you need a heavier load or slow it down and only finish a couple pages a week to make it last for a whole school year. The book is appropriate for upper elementary and younger children could manage to listen along quite well but would not be able to complete all of the activities. Older children could use the book as a springboard for further study.
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