Zipping around the globe in a book is a little unusual, but I found this book by Craig Froman so intriguing I read it from cover to cover during my daughter Clara’s ballet class tonight. The possibilities for using this book with your elementary age children are endless. I am sure my seven year old daughter will love this book. For one thing, every country represented shows children in native dress from days gone by and my Anna loves costumes!
The premise of the book is to cover 26 different languages and the countries where they are spoken. It’s an alphabet book — meaning it takes its organizational schema from the alphabet, one language for each letter. It is also an atlas. Each language/country covers a two page spread includes fascinating facts, pictures of the land and people, translations of several common words (hello, goodbye, thank you and peace) and information about the religions most prominent in the country. Also included are basic demographics for the country and the location with capital labeled on a map. This book is written from a Christian perspective.
I really enjoyed reading through the book this evening, and I am certain my children will also enjoy the book. Here is how I envision using the book. I will probably cover one language/country per week and have my children pray for the people still speaking that language. We will read the two page spread, look at the map and talk about some of the information presented. If they are really interested, we will look up more information in our more comprehensive children’s atlas, Children of the World by DK publishing or on the internet. Then I will have them color a picture out of a reproducible coloring book I have that has native costumes for many countries.
I am so excited to have this book for our geography studies this year!a
Disclaimer: I was given this book in exchange for my honest blog review. Here you have it.
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