Published Masterbooks and My Father’s World Publishing, World of Science is a hardcover textbook written from a Young Earth Creationist worldview. Each two page spread provides an overview of some facet of basic science. The inner workings of the ear, electricity, the water cycle, atoms, energy, space exploration; these are just a few of the topics covered in World of Science. At the end of the book, an entire section of 38 pages is devoted to experiments that coordinate with the previous material. Other section titles include 1. Matter and Chemicals, 2. Energy, Motion and Machines, 3. Electricity and Magnetism, . 4Light and Sound, 5. Earth and Life, and 6. Space and Time. Including the glossary and index in the back this book is 240 pages.
By reading and studying World of Science, the student can get a basic grasp of many different concepts with just the right amount of depth that they are learning something and preparing for further study. For instance, the four pages devoted to molecules, the student will read about the bonds between atoms, ionic bonds, changing molecules, common molecules, the supply of molecules in the air, the movement of molecules, the sizes of molecules, polymers, the shapes of molecules, artificial molecules like those made in laboratories, hairy molecules, and DNA. They will also read about the discovery of molecules in brief sidebar. That’s a nice level of depth but just enough to wet the students appetite for discovery.
I have been using the book as a Science text in our homeschool now for about six weeks. I have my children read each two page spread and then talk to them about what they have studied. When we start back up in January, we are going to start notebooking using the book as a guide and also we will place the people we learn about in our timeline book. These children are ages 10 and 13, and this is a good time to grasp a broad view of what the sciences include as they are gearing up for more serious study. We have also completed World of Animals by the same publishers in this manner.
These books are both done in a similar manner to Usborne books on the same subject — with just as much polish and bright, beautiful illustrations, but without the evolutionary content Usborne books always carry. In fact, the most wonderful thing about these books is that I do not have to worry about rewording the text as I read! As a young earth creationist, I assure you it is difficult to find material that supports my worldview. I have been looking for books like these for years, and I am so glad that Masterbooks decided to team up with My Father’s World and make these available to everyone. As an example, in the discussion of the eye one of the paragraphs is titled “Well Protected”. The very wording of this text affirms the presence of God the creator. However, it doesn’t really hit you over the head with creation content. It’s just the worldview, the perspective that the book is written from.
My Bottom Line: We will be using these books in our homeschool for a very long time. Handing these books over to my children is easy, because I can trust that they are not reading material that directly contradicts the Bible. World of Science receives my highest recommendation!
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