C.S. Lewis has been a family favorite for a long time. The first time I read The Chronicles of Narnia and knew anything of C.S. Lewis was after Dan and I were married. He was always horrified at first to hear of famous classics I had not read, and one particular Spring Break he gave me the boxed set of the series to read. Naturally, I read them straight through from morning to night until I finished. We gave a set to my nephew that year for Christmas.
Watching Shadowlands together was a precious date night with my husband almost 15 years ago, and I can still remember laughing and crying. We read Mere Christianity together and led a small group through the book. Once we had children, we purchased and listened to all of the Radio Theatre dramatized productions from Focus on the Family for the Narnia books on family car trips during holidays like Thanksgiving. They are wonderful, and my children love all things Narnia because of those audios. Each of our children has received either paperback or hardcover editions of the Narnia books as they reached an age where they could read the books. I was so excited to find out this week that Focus on the Family released C.S. Lewis at War.
In honor of C.S. Lewis’ birthday, I thought it would be fun to put together a post in tribute to his life and work – and also useful for homeschool families who would like to study his material together!
Printables for C.S. Lewis:
C.S. Lewis quotes for copy work from Walking By the Way.
Chronicles of Narnia Coloring Pages from Hello Kids.
Narnia Coloring pages from On Coloring.
Chronicles of Narnia Worksheets from abcteach
ScrewTape Letter Printable Worksheets and More from Love to Learn Place
Lucy Pevensie Paper Doll Printable from The Lion’s Call
Map of Narnia from NarniaWeb
Printable Narnia Models from Fox Japan – The instructions are in Japaneses, but these are worth it!
The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe Printables from Lucy Learns
C.S. Lewis quotes for decoration from Oaxaca Born.
C.S. Lewis quotes for decoration from Finding Free.
C.S. Lewis Teaching and Activity Guides
C.S. Lewis Writing Prompts by Ben and Me.
Basic Apologetics Course from the C.S. Lewis Institute – This page includes video lectures, audio lectures, and study guides.
Study Guides for Educators for many C.S. Lewis books from the C.S. Lewis Foundation
A Visit to Narnia Bible Study from YouthESource
Faith Heroes Unit Study: C.S. Lewis from Unit Studies and Notebooks
A Narnian Madlib from Mere Inkling.
Art Adventures in Narnia from Visual Manna
The Everything Guide for C.S. Lewis and Narnia from F+W Media
Narnia Unit Study from HomeScholar Books
The Silver Chair from FreeUnitStudies.com
Wisdom From the Wardrobe from Everything For You Books
Chronicles of Narnia Unit Study
Unit Study Bundle for Narnia books from Novel Ideas
Online Chronicles of Narnia Study Questions from Love 2 Learn
C.S. Lewis Biography from BBC Schools
Growing Up in War Time History from BBC Schools
Narnia Activities from Activity Village
Narnia Ships out of Cardboard craft from TipJunkie.
Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal
C.S. Lewis Books and Movies:
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
C. S. Lewis – A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet
C.S. Lewis Lapbooks
Voyage of the Dawn Treader Lapbook from Notebooking Nook
Prince Caspian Lapbook from Hands of A Child (plus three other lap books)
The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe Lapbook from Homeschool Share
The Horse and His Boy Lapbook from Homeschool Share
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader from Live N Learn Folders
The Magician’s Nephew Lapbook from Homeschool Share
C.S. Lewis Audiobooks
Mere Christianity (by C.S. Lewis) – Blackstone Audio, Inc
The Screwtape Letters (by C.S. Lewis) – Blackstone Audio, Inc
Reflections On The Psalms (by C.S. Lewis) – Blackstone Audio, Inc
The Screwtape Letters: First Ever Full-cast Dramatization of the Diabolical Classic (Radio Theatre)
Free Chronicles of Narnia Audiobooks Ancient Faith Radio
The Chronicles of Narnia: Never Has the Magic Been So Real (Radio Theatre) [Full Cast Drama]
C. S. Lewis at War: The Dramatic Story Behind Mere Christianity (Radio Theatre)
Free Crafts and Activities
Dawn Treader Craft Tutorial from Ikat Bag
Chronicles of Narnia Online Games from Harpers Collins Children’s
Turkish Delight Recipe from About.com
Narnia Themed Craft Ideas from Activity Village
Activities for The Magician’s Nephew
Narnia Activity Guide from Teacher Vision
C.S. Lewis Apps for iPhone
C.S. Lewis Daily Quotes & Inspiration – New Life Ministries (US)
This is so awesome Amy. I am pinning this post on my homechoollinkup board. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing these awesome resources.
What a great collection of resources! Thanks for sharing these. 🙂
Thank you for linking to my quote printables 🙂
You are very welcome. 🙂