Eons ago, when my youngest daughter was just three years old, I began our homeschool journey with Sonlight Preschool. At that time, they had no schedule for the PreK Core, and I wanted one. I found a group online where two different schedules were available, and I took the very rudimentary theme-based schedule in the files section that year and developed it into a fantastic, fun learning adventure for my daughter and several hundred other internet friends. Known as Amy B’s SL-Prek Theme Schedule, it was available for free for several years before Sonlight finally introduced their own schedule for the newer PreK Core and the theme schedule began to wain in popularity.
Part of that schedule was a series of discussion questions I wrote to help my little girl relate to the art included in A Child’s Book of Art by Lucy Micklethwait. I don’t even know if that book is still included in the Sonlight PreK Cores anymore, but it is still a fabulous and favorite book in our home. Today, I am making the printable discussion questions available for you.
If you don’t have A Child’s Book of Art, you can actually use many of the questions to discuss the artwork in whichever books you own. In fact, using these questions will help teach you how to talk about art with your child whether you are looking at books or walking through an art museum. To download your copy of Discussion Questions for A Child’s Book of Art, simply click on the image above or the words linked in this paragraph. Would you like to let a friend know about how to get their own free copy? Use the sharing buttons below.