I had no idea. I literally had no idea that some kids come wired without any understanding of how to cope with big emotions. For me, this skill came pretty naturally. Oh sure, I got in trouble for yelling at my parents or hitting my sisters a few times. But I also don’t really remember a time when I didn’t know how to calm myself down. Some kids do not have those skills. Coping Skills. And without any training or awareness of the lack, I needed some help knowing how to help my children cope with big emotions.
You can get $10 off this course using our special code: HOMESCHOOL !!!!
The Creating Coping Skills Champions Course for Parents covers a vast amount of information about dealing with big emotions appropriately and has dozens of printables you can use directly with your kids.
Here’s a list of the video sessions included:
- How to Introduce Coping Skills to Kids
- Calming Coping Skills Ideas
- Physical Coping Skills Ideas
- Distraction Coping Skills Ideas
- Processing Coping Skills Ideas fo Understanding Ideas
- Processing Coping Skills Ideas for Expressing Feelings and Thoughts
- How to Set Up Your Home
- BONUS: Self-Care: Let’s Work on your Own Coping Skills
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