Relax with a cup of coffee and color these two free Inspirational Adult Coloring Pages, one quote by Audrey Hepburn and the other by R.S. Grey!
Free Inspirational Coloring Pages
This semester is coming to a close (only a week and a half left!) and I have had a lot on my plate! Earlier this afternoon, I really needed to let some creative energy out, and it resulted in these two printables!
The craze of adult coloring pages is a great way to end a day, or relax. Grab some colored pencils and relax with your favorite movie, or a cup of warm tea or coffee.
The two quotes say:
- She believed she could so she did. -R.S. Grey
- Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible” -Audrey Hepburn
After you are done, you can stick them on your fridge or washi tape them to your bedroom wall. Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy them!
Thanks for sharing – they are appreciated
Thank you for sharing these!
Thank you. I have bipolar disorder and am currently going through a lot besides that. Without a long story its been a bad few days of wondering how I will make it, what will I do, etc… Coloring helps the stress and Google led me to your blog, these quotes! Thank you