Can I be blunt? Moms carry way too much guilt around!
- We feel guilty about the unfolded laundry.
- We feel guilty about the drive-thru.
- We feel guilty about the bedding not getting washed.
- We feel guilty about the dog not getting walked.
- We feel guilty about every stinking little thing!
Don’t feel guilty!
Easier said than done, right? I know this is true because I feel guilty about all of those things and more. And I carry it around inside of me and wish that little voice would go away. I have no less than four loads of unfolded laundry sitting in my dining room of all places. We ate out twice this weekend when we should have cooked at home. My bedding is most likely to get washed when my kids and I go on a trip and my husband is bored. My dog pulls brutally and broke my hand pulling her leash once so she never gets walked unless my husband takes her for a run.
If we let it, guilt has the potential to eat us alive!
Instead, I want you to feel empowered.
- Empowered to let it go.
- Empowered to change and grow.
- Empowered to live in the moment with your kids and ignore the mess.
- Empowered to learn new skills.
- Empowered to live without guilt, parent without guilt, cook without guilt, and love without guilt.
It’s a big step, but I know you can do it!
Don’t you all start singing the Elsa song now.
When you start to feel guilty, take a deep breath and consider your own point. Is there something here that really needs to be changed, or can you lower your standard or change your expectations? Either way – there is something you can do – so tell the guilt to take a hike.
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