When you think about reading instruction, you can think about the different steps in reading development. At the beginning comes the pre-reading phase.
Pre-reading activities are the things you can do with your toddler and preschooler to help prepare them to read. These include shape recognition, practicing visual spacial development, left-to-right tracking exercises, alphabet recitation, alphabet recognition, and even basic sound recognition and more.
In the final stage, your child will have collected all the tools (phonemic awareness) he needs to sound out words and you will move on to encouraging his reading comprehension skills. My eleven-year-old daughter is in this stage of reading.
In the MIDDLE of these two stages is the place where most kids hang out the longest. It’s the phonemic awareness stage and is what most parents think of first when they think about reading instruction. When your child is ready, you begin to focus on phonemic awareness, blending, and sight word recognition. During this phase, your child will learn all of the letter sounds, blends, digraphs and will also form a massive catalog of sight words as he practices reading.
These stages of reading development can progress rapidly and happen early (when your child is in preschool), or progress slowly and finish late (when your child is a tween) or somewhere in between (early grades). This is perfectly normal, as children learn to read at different rates.
I have three children who are now in various parts of the phonemic awareness stage, and three children I’ve already graduated out of this phase. Every single child has absorbed and assimilated this phonemic awareness at different rates and in different ways. A wide variety of instruction has been needed to help each and every child succeed!
This collection of free phonemic awareness worksheets and games for kids is amazing and will be incredibly helpful for children during this stage of reading development.
How to Teach Phonemic Awareness
Teaching Students To Blend free printable plus more free printables mixed in from Make Take Teach
Phonemic Awareness Worksheets for Kids
Apple Emergent Reader from Fun-A-Day!
Cat In The Hat Worksheets from My Sun Will Shine
Phonemic Awareness Printables, ideas, tips, tricks, activities and games from Storytime Standouts
Tons of Emergent Readers from In All You Do
Tons of Phonemic Awareness Worksheets for each letter. Some are for members only. From Super Teacher Worksheets
Tons of Phonemic Awareness Worksheets from Tampa Reads – you just have to drill down from the page linked and you will find a bunch!
A huge collection of Phonics Worksheets from Education.com
Phonemic Awareness Games
Teaching Beginning Reading with C-V-C Cups from Meaningful Mama
136 Digraphs Game from Meaningful Mama
Fun and Active Reading Games for Kids from My Joy-Filled Life
Active Reading Games from Triumphant Learning
shabana khan says
Pls help me on phonics.
Carolyn Hart says
Amy, thank you very much for sharing Storytime Standouts with your readers. There is no doubt about it, gaining phonemic awareness is a key building block for young readers.