Preschool is perhaps my favorite stage of learning. Don’t get me wrong, I love homeschooling through all the grades, but there is just something about preschool that makes my heart happy.
Maybe it’s that so much is new and experienced for the first time. Or that they simply trust what we say when they ask the complex questions: “How does the sun shine?” “Why are there so many kinds of birds?” “Where do clouds come from?”
The simple answers always begin with God. He created all things for us to enjoy and remind us of Him.
We are a Charlotte Mason-esque homeschool, so the majority of what my littles learn is through natural play and reading. This year I have been a bit more intentional about providing books from the library based on interests my four and five-year-olds have expressed.
Recently, the hot topic was weather.
I did some research and found a multitude of ideas for my littles and I to explore. I put together a doable list of preschool-appropriate experiments, field trips, nature-inspired books, etc. This weather unit is the result.
The majority of the activities collected here can be done inside. However, nothing can substitute actually being outside and enjoying nature with your children!
Preschool Weather Unit
Week 1
Nature Study: Seasons and Weather Chart
- Weather Words and What They Mean by Gail Gibbons
- On the Same Day in March – A Tour of the World’s Weather by Marilyn Singer
- The Reasons for Seasons by Gail Gibbons
- Print this weather chart and get started taking notice of the weather each day
- Here is a fun season match up page to help the littles recognize the different happenings during the different seasons
- Play this delightfully fun weather movement game together
Week 2
Nature Study: Sun and Shade
- Sun by Steve Tomecek
- Sun Up, Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night by Jacqui Bailey
- Sun Up, Sun Down by Gail Gibbons
- Conduct a Shade and Sun Temperature Experiment
- Find out what happens to crayons when left in the sun or shade
- Build something amazing and watch the shadow move with the sun
Week 3
Nature Study: Precipitation and Water Cycle
- A Drop Around the World by Barbara McKinney
- Water is Water by Miranda Paul
- The Snowflake : A Water Cycle Story by Neil Waldman
- Make a Water Cycle in a Bag
- Make a Raindrop Sun Catcher
- Create a neat Rain Making Station
Week 4
Nature Study: Clouds and Wind
- The Cloud Book by Tomie dePaola
- Shapes in the Sky by Josepha Sherman
- Little Cloud by Eric Carle
- Make a Cloud in a Jar
- Make some Puffy Rain Clouds for sensory play
- Make some fun Cloud Art
Other fun weather-related things to do:
- Here’s a FREE Printable Weather Game
- Take a trip to a local weather station
- Or a simple Rainy Day Math Game
- We adore The Magic School Bus movies, and there are some great ones about weather!
Don’t worry about completing everything, these are just ideas to nurture your already curious little one. I hope you and your littles have as much fun as I did with mine!
lea says
Love it
Marcella says
Thank you for this.Hope to use it soon.