I’ve been collecting products that can help me teach my family Scripture for several years. In my opinion, anything that can help get more Scripture into our heads is a great investment! These days everyone is on a tight budget, and our household is no exception. I’ve included the price for each product so that you can quickly see what will fit into your budget and I’ve even included some free items!
Memorize Anything I am really excited about this particular item because I just found out about it and it is so cool. This cool app records you reading the memory verse directly onto your phone. Then you can listen to it over and over as much as you wish. When you think you are ready, you can choose a skill level and the app will randomly fade the audio in and out so that you can test your memory of the verse. This is very similar to the Disappearing Word Chant I mentioned yesterday, but it works on an iPod. We’re gonna get a lot of use out of this one! Price: FREE!
Memorize + – Paul Hudson This one is really cool too! This app is the Disappearing Word Trick in game format. You can type in the text of anything you want to memorize and then it will either add blanks or mix the words out of order and you can track your progress and keep a list of what you memorize. 99 Cents.
Seeds Family Worship CDs We found these recordings a few years ago and my kids instantly fell in love with the music because it sounds like “regular” music instead of “kid music”. We have all four CDs memorized and still choose them as our music selection all the time just because we like the music. That’s a lot of verses! In fact I just found out tonight that they came out with two new cds Seeds Family Worship: Power of Encouragement, Vol. 5 and Seeds of Character – Seeds Family Worship CD Volume 6. Guess what I have in my Amazon cart now? mp3 downloads are $8.99.
Write Through the Bible Copywork I’ve mentioned this book set several times throughout the week because this is a product we will be using for the 2013-2014. One of the reasons my youngest daughter is going to enjoy these books is the fact that each page is simple, black and white and no busyness. Price per book is just $5. Price for bundles of four books is $17. Download The Lord’s Prayer book for FREE.
A Treasury of Bible Verses on Love This book changed my daughter’s attitude about copy work this year. Te hbook is in cursive, and each page has a beautiful flower, bird, or stained glass picture to color at the top. I actually like a lot of the Scripture copywork books from LightHome Publications, but this is the first one my daughter has enjoyed too! $5.10.
Hide ‘Em in Your Heart, Vol. 1 Oldies but goodies! My little kids love these cds with verses set to music narrated by Steve Green. $19.95.
Integrity Music Scripture Memory SongsThis company has a huge collection of Scripture Memory cds and they are topical in nature covering grace, praise, anxiety, guilt, victory, faith, renewing your mind, God’s provision, Thanksgiving, and more. mp3s are $8.99
ABC Scripture Memory Songs from Sonbeams We’ve been enjoying this one for a few years now. The digital version of this cd is available for free along with several additional resources that coordinate with it. You can purchase a cd for $9.45. Digital Version FREE.
Crayola 8 Count Washable Window Markers We use these to write Bible verses on our windows. I like to have a verse for our school year, kind of like a life verse or a theme verse. I also will put verses on the windows when we need to focus on something specific like controlling our tongues or some other thing. $6.10.
Philippians in 28 Weeks I’ve been mentioning this one quite a bit lately, so I will not add anything more to the list except to tell you to watch for my review! $28.95.
Thank you for telling about all these resources, Amy! It’s good to consider so many different things that could help with Bible Memory.