As long as you have recipes and ingredients.
That’s why I’m super excited to bring you the 31 Day Slow Cooker Challenge from Encouraging Moms at Home. Whether you choose to use your slow cooker for thirty days in a row, or plan out your thirty slow cooker days over the next quarter – you win! And we are all about the #momwin here at Encouraging Moms at Home.
So here’s the deal. It’s all free. All of it. Our ebook Slow Cooker Essentials. 31 encouraging emails. 30 recipes. A Menu Planning worksheet for weekly, monthly, or quarterly planning. A printable shopping list. Daily support in our Encouraging Moms at Home Facebook group. (come join – it’s free!) We want to help you use your slow cooker more! Use this sign up form to enter our 31 Day Slow Cooker Challenge. You will get daily emails for 31 days. We will walk you through the entire process.
Heading into the tail end of a hard pregnancy, a crockpot challenge will help me actually get dinner on the table for the rest of the family.
Bless your heart Cheryl! Slow Cookers are definitely a big help during pregnancy and after baby comes too!
This would help me as we are a homeschool family that is always on the go. Having dinner when I get home is such a blessing.
Slow cookers all the way… Good for us! ❤️
It’s so nice coming home after a long day to a great smelling hot meal ready to eat.
This is so true. The smells from a crockpot are so amazing!
It would help me to make healthier meals for my family.
I need to be sure to cook every day at home through September…so this should help me stay on task!
That’s an amazing goal! You can do it 🙂
I would love an instant pot!
We get stuck in a rut of eating the same things over and over, so new recipes are great! Plus, anything that makes life easier is a HUMONGOUS plus.
I love my slow cooker, but don’t always have time to throw everything together before class. I’ve been really eyeing the Instant Pot
This pot could help me solve the daily question of “what’s for dinner?”
I look forward to the slow cooker challenge aiding me to be better organized this fall, allowing me more time to relax and enjoy the season.
I have heard about this pot from friends. It would be wonderful to have dinner quickly done after a long day at co-op.
That’s my plan too! I just ordered my own Instant Pot and can’t wait to get started using it. 🙂
? Please share your experience with it and recipes.
I’ve had my eye on this for awhile. I would love to make simple healthy meals in less time. And making bone broth is a goal of mine. I would love to win this. Thank you for the chance.
I have been laid up for quite awhile and would love some fresh ideas to help hubby out with cooking once again.
It would help with my husband work schedule I have a short time frame before he goes to work to get a decent dinner ready for him.
This challenge will help me put delicious, healthy meals on the table for my family of six.
The challenge would help me eat healthier and save money by eating out less!
I just got my own Instant Pot and am in love! My mom could really use one because she’s elderly and on a fixed income, and cooking fresh foods has become challenging. I know an Instant Pot would make it easier!
I’ve never been great at using the slow cooker, so some new inspiration would be awesome.
Slow Cookers are a homeschool mom’s best friend that makes life so simple.
It would help save time.
I need some new recipe ideas.
I’m a homeschooling mom of seven AND I’m starting a night job on Monday! I NEED one of these!
I work from home on my blog and I homeschool so sometimes dinner just doesn’t get done. This would definitely help!
This will be wonderful because I don’t have to plan what meals, I just have to make them. 🙂
After an extremely rough pregnancy and our baby now being diagnosed with epilepsy I am struggling to get dinner on the table.
I’ve heard amazing things about the instant pot! What a wonderful thing to have to quickly feed a large family!!
Slow cooking is amazing! Glad for new ideas 🙂
My slow cooker has made juggling many things in our lives so much easier!
Thanks for the new recipe ideas.
Heading home to an awesome dinner that is ready to serve would definitely help me step up to the challenge of serving my family a healthy meal every night!
I’m currently working 15+ hours a day, so this would help me tremendously. Take the shopping list to store, pick up the goodies, and have some wonderful, quick and easy meals!
This would be awesome since I am so busy running in all different directions.
I’m a homeschooling mom to 3 young children and I am ALWAYS in the kitchen (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing) but would love to reduce my prep time in order to spend more time with my children one on one.
What a fantastic idea!!! I signed up. I love my crock pots.
A little different—For her birthday this year (next week!) I am replacing my DIL’s old hand-me-down slow-cooker with a new one and stocking her freezer with a few of those dump and go freezer to slow cooker meals. Like many families, they are so busy that the nightly sit-down home-cooked dinners are often sacrificed simply because there is just not enough time. With the slow-cooker and some ready to dump meals just a couple of minutes in the morning means home-cooking ready for dinner.
With homeschooling this would help me provide a healthy home cooked meal at the end of a long day instead of throwing something in the microwave
This sounds very helpful, especially when it comes to recipes and meal planning. I KNOW I don’t utilize my slow cooker to maximum productivity and I think those two factors have a lot to do with it.
I love to use a crockpot, just toss everything in and turn it on, fairly This challenge looks interesting!
Slow cookers are a God send! 31 day challenge is a great way for me to transition back to using mine regularly. Great idea!
I have heard absolutely nothing but rave reviews on the instant pot!
Being close to the end of my pregnancy with our 6th baby and starting our homeschool year sound like amazing reasons to learn better ways to use my crockpot. I’ve always dreamed of an electric pressure cooker especially on those days I realize at5pm that I forgot to thaw meat to make supper!
My problem sometimes is planning ahead. This challenge could help me with that. I love using my crockpot, but would love more recipes to try.
We are busy, dinner time is stressful with two young children, my husband works 4 tens (which means he’s gone 12 hours a day Mon-Thu, with commute, lunch and working late), and our budget is tight! I need to get back into slow cooking. My only “concern” is that I eat the THM way right now, but 1) I don’t have to for every meal, and 2) I’m sure many of the meals from the challenge will be fine or converted to fine.
I can focus on getting our school year off to the right start and on organizing things in the house that we didn’t manage to get to over the summer while still providing healthy, yummy, homemade meals for my family 🙂
Winning the Instant Pot would be a blessing for our traveling family!!
Love crock pot meals and am hoping to find some new healthy (and gluten free) options for my family.
Homeschool – work – cockpot……….Love it!
Thank you!
Would be great for the busy homeschool co-op days.
I recently started a job, working from 3:30-12 midnight. Having an Insta-Pot would provide a good meal for me to take to work, and a meal for my 16 yr old son while I’m at work. I
I’ve used a crock pot for years, but this would make things quicker and more efficient with our crazy schedules. I’ve wanted one for years, but as a widowed, stay at home, homeschooling mom, it never has been in the budget.
I’m trying to get back in the habit of cooking dinner at home every night. We eat healthier and it’s better for our budget. I enjoy cooking, but we’ve had a lot of outside projects, homeschool and trying to maintain the housework, so I’ve gotten a bit off track the past few months. I would live to win this pot, and I think the slow cooker challenge will help me get back in the groove of homemade dinners.
It could help me be more on schedule with dinner time! Thanks!
As a new child care provider, it would be fabulous to have some recipes in my arsenal that would help me prepare a healthy dinner while I’m busy all day!
I love using our crockpot. I can set it up before Munchkin even gets out of bed in the morning and I don’t have to think about supper again for the rest of the day. With our crazy homeschool schedule that is a must!
Oh, I have to tell you … I don’t think I can do all 30 days of the Challenge, and I think I also need a crockpot (I know my big one is busted, not sure if I still have a small one). Perhaps the 30 day challenge would help me n my household get into a good routine.
You definitely are not expected to do all thirty recipes! Pick and choose, and try to plan your slow cooker meals for the busiest days of the week. I’m including a planning sheet and shopping guide with the challenge so you can pick what you know your family will like.
I think this will help save money. No more last minute: what to eat?? I think the whole day goes more smoothly for me if I know supper is already cooking.
Slow cookers would help our busy homeschooling family of 6 with all the extracurriculars happening.
Yay for slow cookers! Thanks for the challenge.
I am looking forward to having options for dinner and giving myself more time with my wild toddlers than slaving over stove!
This challenge will help us not eat out as much – which will save us money! We are a homeschool family, but all of our activities are right at supper time! Definitely need this challenge!
I’m excited because I’m in desperate need of some new slow cooker recipes that don’t taste washed out, so my husband will happily eat them. Especially with homeschooling and co-op and church stuff taking more of my time, I’m left with less to stand over a stove and cook.
This challenge could help me with our new extra busy school year!
Anything to save cooking time in the kitchen is much needed for this homeschooling mama!!
I love this challenge and just signed up! I think it will help me be more intentional about using my crockpot more! I know it saves so much time and I can’t wait to begin!
Eating at home more … but having meals that don’t take a lot of energy to cook or clean!
I’m so bad about planning meals for my family- I don’t use my crockpot nearly enough because it heats really unevenly. :(. Maybe a challenge will kick me into gear!
I want to do more broth..I have heard lots of good uses for the Instant Pot:)
Using a slow cooker is definitely a must in a large, busy family. I need to expand my recipes!
This challenge would be a huge help! We have a pretty busy fall- homeschool, 2 kids in sports, hubby coaches, work, etc! We will need to utilize our slow cooker as often as possible!
AHHHH! Love the instant pot! It totally makes life so much easier for busy moms!
Crock-Pot meals are so nice! This challenge would be a great encouragement to get meals done!
Crock-Pot meals are great! So nice to come to the end of the day and have a meal ready!
Homeschooling multiple kids with chronic health issues make supper…challenging at times. I also cook for potluck EVERY Sunday. I would LOVE an Instapot!! Instapot aside, slow cookers are a life saver, and I need to use mine even more than I do now. The 31 Day Challenge will help me not always fall back on old faithfuls that we get tired of, but help with a larger variety of dishes for my family. Thanks for the opportunity both to get inspired and to possibly win the Instapot!
Starting ‘back to homeschool’ soon! I’ve slacked a bit during the summer on meal planning so this will help me get back on track. Thanks for the offer!
I love using a crock pot but need a new one! It will help me make healthy meals for my family while busy with school and work.
This looks like a nifty tool.
Kid activities have pushed out dinnertime later, often with no one home to cook a meal immediately before serving.
Never tried this but need new ideas to help us eat healthy and easily
Oh my, how this would help when I forget to pull something out to prepare dinner after a long school day….(did I just admit that? 😉 Thanks!
What a fabulous giveaway. I came over from Ben and Me. I know so many with this pot but we don’t have one. Crossing my fingers for our family!
Using the crockpot more would help me as we spend into the busy fall days of evening and weekend sports and taking my senior to and from school every day. Between practices and after school activities, field trips for the homeschooled kids, and events to attend, the fall means lots of busy days spent away from home! I like to get healthy, nutritious meals on the table, even when I don’t have a lot of time.
Great giveaway – thanks!
If i actually used more slow cooker recipes, I’d have more time to play with the kids. Win-win!
Too often I plan a meal but after a busy day chasing kids, and sports practices, and game nights I’m too tired to actually make it. The challenge might help me have filling and healthy meals for my family every night.
Though I use my slow cooker on occassion, I suspect it could be more useful. A thirty day challenge will hopefully stretch tp find new ways to relieve that dinner hour crunch. Several of my older helpers now have jobs and college classes and we need help to keep our chores balanced!
My least favorite meal to make is dinner – especially cooking for picky eaters. I also notice that I have more energy to do these types of things in the morning, so crock pot meals are a lifesaver!
This is awesome. While working two full time jobs and about to start Fall college classes this would totally be so very beneficial to me. I will definitely check into this!
I’ve been ready a lot about the health benefits of bone broth and I would love to start using it!
Thank you!
Trying to juggle part-time work, homeschooling, and family life, it would be a God-send to have a few more healthy slow-cooker recipies in my cookbook!
It would help make dinner come together quicker.
This would be my 2nd IP. Owning one is a blessing, owning two would be amazing! I’d be able to make a meal even quicker if I had two because I could make meat in one and veg in the other.
Because of medical issues I am having to drive my husband back and forth to work — hour there and back — so four hours of drive time a day. This would let me put something on and know that it was ready for dinner when I got home
This could help me be better organized with an extremely full schedule this year!
I’ve been wanting this for so long. With four children each in different homeschool grades this year, I feel like I’m being pulled in so many directions. I would love this pot to get into a routine of healthy meals for them, and to save my sanity.
I’ve never made Beef Bone Broth because we never seem to have many leftover beef bones…I guess I could buy some 🙂 Your recipe sounds so nutritious and delicious, and something I’d love to make! I do make my own Chicken Broth from time to time, and an Instant Pot like this would be wonderful!
I’d love the Instant Pot to make my own yogurt as well as to assist with canning the harvest from my garden
I really just want that instant pot!!
I have been looking at the instant pot for awhile and would love to win it. Slow cookers really help me on the days we are are really busy with activities and work.
It would help out a ton with our busy family. Being pregnant, having a toddler and homeschool really keeps me busy! Anything to help make like more simple.
Oooh, I want one so much! Been hearing friends brag about theirs.
I enjoy using my slow cooker but am in a rut with recipes. Would love newer, especially healthy, ones. Also would like to make bone broth and stick. Thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity. I look forward to the 31 day challenge.
I would use this for fall off the bone ribs and also for turnip greens!
This could make my life much less hectic. Between homeschooling, working full time and my part time sewing business, having a hearty and healthy dinner waiting for the family without me having to spend hours in the kitchen would be a serious blessing.
I could see myself saving money with the crock pot challenge. It seems like we are always on the go and eating fast food. If I could just get in the habit of using my crock pot, I know I could save a ton of money.
It would help me make healthier, less expensive meals at home.
This is a great idea. We use our slow cooker all of the time with our busy schedules it’s the best way to keep us eating healthy.
I love the idea of a 30 day slow cooker challenge. I also would love the instant pot to use with the challenge.
We are heading into a very busy season in our family! Two of our 5 boys on different soccer teams, president of soccer boosters, homeschooling, hubby is a pastor so lots of church stuff, lots of birthdays and family events! This is why I LOVE a crock pot challenge!
The slow cooker challenge would help me save time and money. I would know ahead of time what I would be eating and it would be much more affordable versus going out to eat at a restaurant.
Would really help with our busy days! Thanks for doing this giveaway.
I would love to make time and cook more from home for my family. I always seem to wait at the last minute and then go buy fast food for dinner. I would love to win an instant pot to help make healthier dinners.
I love to try new recipes with the slow cooker
We are homeschooling our 4 middle and high school children and packing to move (for the 12th time in 15 years). This would be an amazing way to take a bit of stress out of the day. I am looking forward to trying your recipes! Thank you!
Our weekdays are crazy busy and it really helps to smooth things out when I can just throw something in the crock pot in the morning and know that I don’t have to worry about cooking dinner in the evening when we are all busy.
With school starting again soon and busy schedules I think the Instant Pot would be so helpful for quick dinners.
Tough to get healthy dinner on the table after a long day at work- this will help!
I often don’t feel like cooking by the end of the day. It would be so nice to have it already done and ready to eat.
I’m a single, homeschooling mom of six. My sister has an Instant Pot and loves it. She says that one would revolutionize my life. 🙂
I would hope this would help me get healthy meals on the table again. The past 1-1/2 years have been crazy with taking care of my mom who had cancer and my kids, homeschooling and losing my mom 2 months ago. I have been trying to heal my adrenal glands from severe adrenal fatigue. I have been a wreck. Right now I feel like I can’t even make a simple healthy breakfast for my family. I’m SO exhausted and worn out.
I have been trying to follow a healing leaky gut diet that emphasizes the importance of bone broth. I’ve made a couple batches but really need to do more. I’ve been wanting a pressure cooker as it can do so much more than my crock pot and I’m trying to get my whole family to eat healthier to address several health issues. The instant pot would really be a welcome addition for this homeschool family. I work part time and do not have much time or energy left over for long meal preparation after work and teaching the kids.
It’s a great thing to not have to worry dinner taking too long when you are in a hurry and everyone is hungry!
I love my crockpot! What homeschooling mama doesn’t?!? Although we only have 7 kids at home, I still claim all 12 of them! ?
When my older kids say I can’t claim 12 anymore I say oh right, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 . . .
They multiple, and they love to come home to eat!
Yay for crockpots!!!
We love to try new recipes and a slow cooker helps save time in the kitchen leading to more family time.
I have 4 kids, a home business, and homeschool. Easy cooking is a necessity. I need an instant pot.
I would not eat so much junk food. 🙁 I am usually so tired I grab the quickest thing possible. If the meal was waiting on me I am sure it would be a lot healthier.
Starting a new homeschooling year I will need all the extra time I can get. We use a crock pot weekly right now. I’d love to get in the habit of using it daily. This challenge will help!
I cook meals 3/365. Unless I am not feeling well which isn’t very often. So something like this would be a big blessing for me.
I have 4 kids in 4 different sports…. instant pot would help with less take out and better meals everyday.
It would help me get dinner done on busy nights!
I love my crock pot!! Would love to try a pressure cooker, but haven’t had a chance yet. Love having dinner done and ready in the evening without having to do a bunch of work in the late afternoon and love that my house doesn’t heat up in the hot spring, summer and fall days!
Starting back into the school routine there are days when crock pot cooking is the only way we get a healthy supper on the table. Great for those busy days.
The 31 Day slow cooker challenge would greatly benefit me and my family. As a busy home schooling mom of 6, I would love to use the slow cooker more. It would make dinner time so much easier between doing the school lessons, running older kids to jobs, taking care of the chores, and trying to fit in a work out. That pot would get a major work out in this house.
I really miss bone broth! Plus we’ve been running around so much lately, it seems my son’s diet has too many chicken nuggets and pizza in it. :/
The Insta Pot looks like it would be very helpful addition to our kitchen. We have several food allergens and autoimmune issues and cook almost every meal at home. I can only imagine the time that could be saved in the kitchen with one of these.
The slow cooker challenge would get me back into making a lot of things from scratch. I already make my own bone broth and soups, we have to celiacs in my house so we’re used to making stuff. But I have seriously been slacking lately.
As fall kicks in our schedules get crazy my slow cooker helps me feed my family good food.
With sports and homeschool starting back, there are days that we only get a couple of hours before we are out the door again. It would be great to have something doing the cooking for me. We only have about 4 things that we normally cook in the crockpot so I am really looking forward to getting some new ideas. I have been drooling over this instant pot for a while now!
The 31 Day Slow Cooker Challenge would cause me to focus on healthy meals for my family. The Bonus would be cooking up some Bone Broth!
I would love to learn how to use one effectively to have a constant supply of bone broth and other goodies!
I’m homeschooling 3 boys, a toddler underfoot, and 34 weeks pregnant (the fifth boy). I need all the help I can get!
Once the kids start afterschool activities, this would be great to get nutritious meals on the table without the last minute prepping!
I received an email from someone that said “Instant Pot Recipes” and I figured that it was full of recipes that a law abiding citizen would probably not want to read. Then I found out what an Instant Pot was. I love to use my crock Pop and I’m glad to read this article. Thanks.
Great Giveaway. I think that would be a great addition to cooking for my family.
My mom is almost 82, & gets around better than I do, this would make a perfect birthday present for her. We live together & we love our slow cooker, pressure cooker, & deep fryer. This pot would replace all of them. Some de-cluttering here too. Mom loves to make her own soups & stews, pressure cook beans, & deep fry lots of food. She could make her own yogurt too. My mom would love this. It would sure simplify cooking & cleaning. Thank you for a great giveaway. Have a super weekend. God bless. Good luck everyone!
Would love some new ideas! Tired of the same old recipes over and over!
I love my crockpot! I make at least one or 2 meals a week in my crockpot, which is a lifesaver as a home school mom. A couple of years ago one of my kids dropped the crock while washing it and broke it., I was devestated! Luckily it was right after Thanksgiving so I was able to replace my 7 quart crock for $19.
I considered it, the only thing that stopped me before is the fact that it uses electricity, as opposed to gas. From your experience, using it, does it influence your electric bill much? Very curious, because the benefits are many! And a happy birthday!
We have a family of 8 so this would help with meal planning.
This Slow Cooker Challenge is certainly timely with school and activities starting again, now my menu planning won’t suffer 😉
Also, I’ve heard nothing but good on the InstaPot, would love to win it!
With homeschooling and working part time, this would be so useful to us!!
my daughter is off to college and now im so so heartfilled with lonelyness and the recipes i find here give me something to do for a while i love crock pots
I love planning crock pot meals for those busy days when we are gone for most of the day. It’s a WONDERFUL feeling to come home to a fully prepared meal already done!
Such a great challenge and a wonderful giveaway!! This will help me be more efficient in getting wholesome meals on the table during busy nights. I just signed up….thanks!!
This Slow Cooker Challenge will help me cook more healthy meals for my family, especially for my son who is a picky eater
Thank You
The use of a slow cooker makes life more rewarding. You reward yourself with early preparation and in the end you have a delicious meal and sometimes even great dessert.
Always looking for great slow cooker recipes! This giveaway is fantastic! Anything to help with a busy life!!
It’s so nice to be able to toss dinner in the crock for the next day and not have stress over fixing something at the last minute. This is especially true for lunch after church on Sundays. My husband is the pastor, and I never know how long he’ll be after church, nor do I know how long he’ll have to eat if something comes up. I always try to get something going before bed Saturday night and then it’s ready the next day and all I have to do is warm it up. Whether it’s a main dish, or meal. What I’m looking forward to is some new ideas!
Having an Instant Pot would come in handy to program when I want something to start cooking – not when I remember to turn on!
I’m expecting baby number 5 in November and this will help immensely with dinners being easier.
I’ve been wanting to use my slow cooker more, but just haven’t had time to find recipes. I love that the challenge will send me recipes and shopping lists too!
Hello, This is what I have been looking for. I am a stay at home dad, due to health reasons, this is also the first year that we are homeschooling our 4 kids ages 14, 12, 8, and 7. I know that i will have my hands full. slow cooker my be a life saver, thanks
I’ve been wanting to do more with my slow cookers (actually, just made copy-cat Maid-Rite sandwiches using one today). I’ve found that no matter how well I plan ahead, I often get busy or side-tracked and get dinner started late. By being able to set things up early in the day and not have to worry about it all day, I’d save myself a lot of stress and worry.
I just started using my crock pot again last year, so I am sure there are some “hacks” I need to know 🙂
I use my crock pot often, but I keep hearing great things about instant pots and love to try one out myself.
This challenge will help my family eat well even though I am a home school mom who needs to work outside the home. I can’t wait to try some yummy new slow cooker recipes!
After a long day of homeschooling, knowing dinner is is in the crock pot and just waiting to be served is such a relief…especially during sports season. With the slow cooker booked for bone broth and yogurt, scheduling a crock pot meal doesn’t always seem feasible. An InstantPot has been on my radar … and knowing it could replace the rice cooker is a bonus!
I have been using the same tired slow cooker since 2001 — but I use it!! I am a harried homeschooling mom with Distracted Mommy Syndrome (there is no cure), so I can use all the help I can get! Thanks!!!
We live in the middle of nowhere so going to activities adds an hour of drive time each way and dance lessons are two hours – having a meal ready when we get home would make that trek a bit more bearable and help out my wallet since we wouldn’t have to eat out 4 nights a week.
It will help us eat at home more and not be tempted to eat out, especially with our first year homeschooling and pastoring a church!
Thank you!
I’m always on the lookout for new slow-cooker recipes!
Any fresh recipes will help! It’s so easy for me to get in a rut when it comes to cooking. Then I’m stressed! It’s amazing how much less stressed I am over the course of a day when dinner is already taken care of!
The slow cooker meals are a fabulous start to our new school year!
It’s great to have dinner made in the morning!
As a homeschooling mom, slow cookers come in so handed. The food always tasted good.?
Always looking for new quick recipes that my family will eat!
I love it when I cook with my crock pot. Using crock pot bags makes cleanup a snap.
I live in Oklahoma. Our summers are hot and I hate to heat up the whole house by turning the oven on. I love using my crock pot, but I’m running out of recipe ideas. This challenge sounds perfect!
I’ve been wanting to make more broth and an instant pot seems like a great way to get started.
I have wanted to try slow cooker meals for a long time, and the beginning of the homeschooling year would be a great time! Thanks for the chance to win.
The Instant Pot would help cut down time in the kitchen while making delicious meals!
Would be great for our busy school days and our hot Texas weather!
I need to use my crockpot more often.
I’m excited to use my slow cooker more, my friend and I are starting a homeschool co-op this year and it really will be great to not worry about diner with all the other craziness going on! Thank you!
We are trying to eat at home more and eat healthier. Using a slow cooker means meals would be ready when we are ready to eat.
I think the slow cooker challenge might help me get out of my rut. I am actually tired of cooking dinner at the same time every night and then cleaning up afterwards. Using my slow cooker I could have everything prepped and less clean up in the evening when I am already tired.
Heading into another year of homeschooling, and the last thing I need to worry about is that age old question: Mom, what’s for dinner? Feeding a family of 7 would be so much easier with the instant pot!
My son is a struggling learner and after a day of homeschooling I sometimes can’t think enough to get a meal together. I love my crock pot and use it often but new to me recipes are always welcome.
Happy birthday! And thank you for giving away an Instant Pot – what a fun idea!
I’ve tried to use my crockpot more over the last few years (especially with 3 growing boys who are always hungry!), and I don’t always get my ingredients in on time. I also have wanted to use it for hot lunches occasionally (during cold winter homeschool days) and I definitely don’t get it started in time for that!
I’ve heard only amazing things about this new kitchen wonder. Thank you for your encouraging blog!
I love crockpot cooking…never tried the instant pot, but have heard many great things about it. I would love to have one!
We’re in a crazy season right now with end of summer canning, gearing up for school and lots of preparation for traveling in Oct to finalize an adoption from China. I could definitely use some help to make meal prep quicker and easier right now!
Need to win an instapot! Enter me 🙂
The slow cooker meals are my favorite during the hot summer/fall months when I can’t stand to even look at the oven! ?
A meal that is ready and we all can sit down together? Sounds like I need this in my life. Thanks for this
With back to school craziness I need to get back to slow cooker cooking. I keep hearing about the instant pot and how amazing it is.
I’ve recently (about a month & a half) have been using my slow cooker twice a week…but with the same two recipes. The 31 day challenge might make my family love you & help me get out of my “these are meals the kids will eat” rut! Thanks for the chance! And happy Birthday 🙂
I’m moving this week. Going on vacation in 2 weeks. And staying to homeschool my 4 kiddos the week after. Cooking is definately going to be a challenge. Help !
This challenge comes at the perfect time! With back to (home)school coming, we just learned that my dear husband needs to go gluten free. I’m so excited to embrace this challenge and make fall meals fun and fabulous!
I’m always looking for good recipes to use my slow cooker more often.
It would be great to teach my 7-year-old daughter how to cook a meal with a crock pot and hopefully she (the picky eater of the family) will look forward to trying out her own food.
The 31 day challenge would help me get a good start to the school year. The kids are planning all our Thursday melas and they would benifits from figuring out recipes for this challenge.
I would love this giveaway!! I have an abnormal pregnancy and it just makes life that much less complicated being able to throw everything in the pot and go! and know that dinner will be ready when we are without extra work at a hectic time, what a blessing! <3
I need more slow cooker meal ideas. Thanks for sharing.
It looks pretty neat. It even makes yogurt. I love making my own yogurt. Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Been so excited
To get on this wagon and make life a smidgen easier and healthier.
I use my crockpot. A LOT. Almost daily. It has developed a crack and is soon headed to the garbage. I would love to have a replacement.
Trying something like this could really help as I don’t have a lot of time to make big meals. 😀
It would help consolidate my appliances — slow cooker, pressure cooker and rice cooker! It would speed things up when I needed something cooked fast!
it will help me eat healthier and get food on the table quicker
I am going to try the Instant Pot whether I win or not!
My son and daughter in law love their InstaPot and use it for making homemade hummus! Its delicious and so much healthier than store bought. I’ve been wanting one of my own!
I love using my (very old) slow cooker for camping… it’s so go to enjoy nature without worrying about making dinner 🙂 🙂
This challenge will help me make the most of my time by not having to spend time watching meals on the stove so I can help my kids with back to school routines.
It’s hard to make allergen free meals when you’re entertaining out of town guests. I need to make better use of my slow cooker!
I’d love to learn to better use a slow cooker, with healthy meals. I’d also love to learn to use the instant pot!
This challenge would help me get some easy ideas and be encouraged to plan ahead for dinner but still be able to do the things with my family without rushing to feed them at dinner time.
Having an Instant Pot would make the challenge a beeeze!
Wow. Yep s slow cooker would take out the crazy that’s happening in our house. 🙂
I like to cook at home when I can. We’ll make a pot roast at least one time in September.
This challenge will be a good way for me to get back on track with healthy cooking for my family. I had a spinal fusion 5 weeks ago and I’m trying to get back into a modified way of cooking. I can’t bend over, so using the oven has not been an option. I’m also homeschooling my 4 kids. We could really put the instant pot to good use.
I could definitely use a slow cooker challenge: I am stuck in a rut of beef/pork roasts for shredded meat. Boring!
I’m so excited about the instant pot giveaway! Would love to cook some of my Trim Healthy Mama recipes with it to keep me on track.
This looks amazing.
I am excited about some new slow cooker meal ideas!
Crock pots are awesome for long school days that require your full attention. Start a roast before starting school – and it’s done when you’re done.
This would be a godsend to my family. I have pretty bad MS, IBS issues, and immune issues (Yes I’m a mess) and my husband takes over all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping and our two little girls (8and 4) when he’s home plus helping me so I can rest. I’m just responsible for taking care of our girls along with homeschooling while he works 10hrs a day fixing F-16’s 4 days a week and 1 weekend a month. He also takes his lunch breaks at home (we live very close to base) so he can make us lunch. His cooking right now is a lot of pre-made processed foods, spaghetti, grilled chicken, grilled cheese and eggs. He’s not the best cook and still learning but God Blessed him with the energy to be like a single dad with two children and Disabeled adult. If he could prepare good meals easily which would help my health tremendously and with our girls it would be a Godsend.
How nice to have dinner ready after getting home from a long day.
The instant pot could solve the oops, forgot to put the meal in the slow cooker early enough again. Looks like we’ll not have to eat out again because I won an instant pot. Instant Pot would be great and so much healthier than the local drive through
I’m always looking for new recipes that everyone will enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway!
We have moved into a real fixer-upper. With three special needs boys. We have no cabinets, no counters, just appliances and a table. Everything is hard to get done. The convenience meals are getting boring and more expensive than I like. To get supper done before I am exhausted or a kiddo has a melt down, sounds wonderful!
We homeschool and eat lunch as our main meal, so this would definitely help get meals ready while I am teaching!
Hey Amy! I use my crockpot consistently. It is worn out. I would love to have the Instant Pot! I am excited about the crockpot challenge. I can’t wait to try all the recipes!!!
School starts tomorrow, and with football practice every night, I need my crockpot more than ever! I’m excited to see new recipes and see what everyone else is creating in their crockpot!
I would love this! Our day can get a little hectic, so having dinner done “on time” would be great!!!
We live on a dairy farm and are in the process of switching from cows to goats – and the kids and I are in charge of taking care of those 63 goats! Add homeschooling to the mix in a couple weeks, and meals are a real struggle to get on the table. This Instant Pot would be a great help.
I tried one week of slower cooker recipes this past summer and it was a real game changer! I was less stressed and didn’t have to heat up my kitchen using the oven and stove!
I dread dinner time. We have such a crazy schedule with people coming and going at different times having an Instant Pot with dinner all ready whenever someone comes in the door will be a huge load off!
This is perfect for us twice a week when the kids have ball practice! Thanks!
This pot would really help me to simplify things at home. Thanks for the great giveaway!
We have busy schedules in our home. I work late some days and not home to serve dinner to the family. I use the slow cooker most of those days. The 31 day challenge will help us out of this rut of the same old things. I look forward to the new recipes.
I am intrigued by the versatility of the Instant Pot. I love my crockpot but sometimes I forget to get the food into in time for that long cook time.
I would love to have a pressure cooker to cook chicken quicker than my slow cooker. Sometimes I forget to get it going in the morning.
I would love to win the Instant Pot. I’ve heard from friends who have one how helpful it is when making meals.
With getting homeschooling started again and soccer and dance, the slow cooker challenge would make it easier to give my family good healthy dinners.
An Instant Pot would be awesome. I just lost my crock pot to an electrical issue. Plugged it in and sparks went everywhere. Very exciting! Lol
This is SO needed! I could use some new ideas and a plan to use my crock pot more-Thank you!
I am looking forward to finding new recipes in the 31 Day Challenge – ours tend to all look and taste the same. I’m really curious about the pressure cooker function on the Instant Pot.
The Slow Cooker Challenge would help me cook at home more, especially on busy days when I don’t feel like it. The brilliance of slow cookery is that it requires little effort and that make it a blessing.
I would love to win an Instant Pot! I have a very old slow cooker which does the job but a nice new fancy one like this one with all the bells and whistles would be wonderful! I always intend to use it more but never get around to actually doing it. This challenge will be great!
This would be awesome to have, love all the special settings.
I’m looking forward to new recipes.
The slow cooker doesn’t heat up the house as much as the oven does.
The instant pot would help me to get healthy meals on the table on a regular basis.
I actually only have 2 small burners and no oven for cooking for a family of 4 so I’m looking for alternative ways too cook and this actually looks great!
I have to use my Crock Pot All. The. Time. because of kids’ extracurricular schedules, and I’m always looking for new ideas!
We are struggling monetarily, but have some fairly specific dietary needs. It is very important for me to get food on a schedule. Foods that can be started and prepared before I start getting hungry and feeling sick are very valuable to me! My husband works a second shift schedule and cannot drive due to his vision, so I’m often either having to reheat something or trying to find a stage in a recipe where it can be mostly done and sit for the hour and a half it takes to get to my husband’s work and back. On days when I have a slow cooker meal planned, we can eat fresh, hot food right away and avoid me possibly getting ill.
Thanks for the “Challenge.” Home cooked meals had been forgotten around here and replaced with quick drive thru pickups and salads since I’ve been busy helping my aging mother get through a hospitalization and two rehab stints over the past two months. I’ll have to find and wake up my aging crock pot and see if it’s ready to return to work or retired forever. And thanks for the Instant Pot referral, it looks ready to be a flexible employee and multitask – just the kind of help I need around here! I’m really looking forward to the inspirational recipes especially as the academic year kicks off for the kids with no end in sight to mom’s care needs. Take care and thanks again!
I think this would help me save a lot of time in the kitchen.
This came at just the right time. I had been looking at different bloggers crock pot recipes, trying to find the ones that fit my family. With school starting up (we homeschool), and a new part time job in the mix, as I am now a single mom – I am desparately looking for great crock pot ideas. Also, ask Wardee at Traditional Cooking School, just answered about peeling yard eggs easily. One way was to use the Instant pot to pressure cook them. I would love to have the pot, and I will eventually, but for now I will have to wait on the budget.
I hadn’t heard about this slow cooker before. It looks awesome. I’d love to have one! Thanks for having the giveaway.
It will help me by making sure that I have dinner in the crockpot before I head for work and the kids for school.
That way I know we will all come home to a delicious and healthy meal we can enjoy and not have to scramble to find something to eat!!!
We love slow cooker meals at our house! School has started, evenings are busy. Instant Pot looks amazing! Can’t wait to add a few new recipes to the schedule!
I use my slow cooker a couple times a week. If I don’t then it gets late and I often throw junk together and hope for the best. I like to use my slow cooker to make a lot of food to use all week. And InstaPot would help with those last minute meals!
Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday too!
I’ve been suffering from severe burnout and one thing that has greatly fallen is meals. I’d love to get back into actually making meals for my family. Meals that I could be proud to feed them!
My menu plan is stuck in a rut. I could use a challenge to shake things up.
I love my slow cooker!! It is the ideal thing for me to get dinner done and on the table when we are going in different directions with our 16 yr old twins. I would love to have the instant pot for rice! Quick and easy is what I need! Love it!!
This pot would make it so much easier to leave behind the excuse of a busy life to cut corners with pure nutrition.
I love using my crock pot and also my pressure cooker. This would be perfect!
I have two special needs children that I am homeschooling. We have multiple appointments weekly, so, I hope this will help me save time and provide healthy meals without cutting into our valuable school time.
It would help me out for the new home school year coming up and new activities we are going to be starting soon.
I use my crockpot regularly, but am always looking for good recipes to use. I have been eyeing up the instant pots for about a year now, but they aren’t in the budget yet.
I can’t wait to start the 31 day challenge! This time of year (and the holidays) is absolute chaos. I would like to get good healthy meals on the table without making my family crazy!
This challenge will save me time and money and keep me organized which means less stress. Thanks!
We spend as much time as possible at the beach. Unfortunately this means we’re completely exhausted at the end of the day. However I need more recipes, especially recipes that can go from the freezer to crockpot in order to make better use of my crockpot.
Our crock pot has been reserved for those “special” recipes. I’d love to add a few more to that list. Thank you.
It is so great to have food ready for dinner without anything to do, as I have energy and feel better in the morning and can’t do much in the evening. Having the recipes delivered daily will be a reminder to get it ready!
This would be great on those days when, I am busy in the afternoon or running errands…. 🙂
I always love to have new recipes to try-especially the ones where it’s all in one pot!
An instant pot would be a very helpful addition to any kitchen but especially to that of a large family like mine. Thank you for the chance to win one! Happy Birthday!
It encourages me to use my crockpot to make meals for my family more often:-)
I need some new recipe ideas. Anything with chicken is always a flop for me. 🙁
The very first recipe in the challenge is a chicken recipe, but for the most part they are not chicken 🙂
I live in Africa and it always feels to hot to turn on an oven. An instant pot would be so handy, especially since we often have guests.
It would help me survive the fall sports season! Love me some crockpot meals!
Love my slowcooker! But I run out of ideas, and there’s only so many times that soup or a roast is tasty. Plus, I need to remember to start it in time… this should help with both! lol
I believe that this challenge will help me in my kitchen by providing some new slow cooking recipes for my family and I to try!
We’re entering into a busy season of life right now and I really don’t take advantage of my crockpot like I could. This would be a great time to start!
We are a homeschool family that is on the go a lot and a husband that works swing shift so it’s not always easy for us to eat together but at least we could have hot meals available when needed.
My hope is that it will help me do better sticking to a menu plan each week and maybe find a few new recipes to add to the rotation. Thank you!!
Would be great to get healthier meals made faster.
A challenge to be prepared ….saving time and stress in the long-run and bring peace and order… it!
This looks great. I definitely need to use my crockpot more. Thanks for the challenge!
I never have any everyone time to make dinner. Slow cooker meals are a lifesaver!
We are heading into a busy season with homeschooling, music activities, and managing some health issues…slowing cooking is going to be the best way to keep us away from takeout and help us to eat healthier.
Beginning more “official” homeschool with my almost 5-year-old and almost 3-year-old this year. I’m looking forward to lots of fall slow-cooker meals to make that happen well.
I am hoping this will help me use my crock pot more! I used to use it 5-6 times/month when I was working outside of the home, but haven’t used it much since I started staying home. Dinner seems to catch me by surprise more often than not lately, between homeschooling 4 kids, farm chores, and inside chores 6pm just sneaks up on me. It would be so nice to just open up the crock pot to have dinner already ready!
I just love how quick and simple a healthy meal can be with a crock pot. I use mine all of the time. When I look at the versatility of this pot I am amazed and very curious. I already make yogurt in my regular crockpot, but to have a function for hat… Very cool!! I have also been wanting to start with the bone broth. I have recently purchased a book on it, but…. Was sorta waiting for those moments in homeschooling this fall when I don’t have anything happening (?) right! This post really encourages me to get after it. I know that with so many health conditions, this is sadly a lacking ingredient in our lives. Thank you!
Using my crock pot more would help me with days when I am not feeling well ( I have RA). I can put the food in the slow cooker and let it cook, instead of constantly getting up to check, stir, rearrange, or whatever.
I have a very tiny kitchen to be able to do so many things with one machine would be awesome. I love slow cooking since I homeschool and work from home there isn’t always time to cook dinner.
Between homeschooling and transporting adult kids to and from work I really struggle to get meals on the table. Especially when I’m sitting in rush hour traffic right when I would normally be cooking dinner! Making more of my meals in the slow cooker would really help solve that issue. The food could be cooking while I’m driving!
Awesome all-in-one pot! I would love this because of its versatility.
My crockpot is most often used for pot roast, corned beef, and chili but I like the thought of spending less time cooking and still having supper at a decent hour.
A clow cooker challenge will help me because it’ll provide my family and I a meal with all like and can all eat! I have a calcium deficiency that has greatly affected my teeth so it’s difficult to make one meal for the whole family and find things I can eat healthy!
I have two slowcookers and use them frequently, but this challenge sounds fun! And the Instant Pot sounds great. Would love to try it out!
I really need some help feeding my family of 6! This would be a wonderful, wonderful help for us!! Thanks for the chance! Looks amazing!!
It will help to have dinner done after our homeschool days run a little long.
It will help to keep me from forgetting to make dinner until the last minute and will keep the family from bugging me while I prepare it!
I’d love to have some fresh new recipes that I could have ready when I get home from a long day of work. Live healthy foods and save money on eating out.
I have 6 six kids!! Lots of running around and not a lot of time many days. 🙂 Use the crock pot often, but would love an instant pot.
I have six kids too! Its a lot of running around isn’t it?
Around my house our stomachs can only handle so much convenience type food. The slow cooker helps me make meals that have more wholesome ingredients while still making it to sports practice on time and making sure all my hungry boys are satisfied.
I love my crock pots I use them for every meal when I need to. I also use an old crockpot that the lid all fell apart and the handles broke for a air freshener. I use peels of apples, oranges, and limes with different spices add some water and put on high to start to with then turn to low or keep warm when it gets super hot. Helps maintain the stale air in the house during the winter with having to keep the windows closed.
Back to school time means less time to cook good meals.
i loooove crockpot cooking and i am always looking for even more uses for the slow cooker!
It looks like a great way to prepare healthy, delicious meals!
The challenge will help me to eat healthier. Since it’s just me at home, I won’t be cooking often and will have great leftovers.
Love this challenge!
I love my crock pot. It is my best friend when it comes to making supper.
I have a bad habit of losing track of time during the day and we end up eating later than I intend to. I keep meaning to use my slow cooker more, but I never do. I’d love to be able to use it more. It would make my life less hectic. 🙂
Being a busy Mom to four little ones and working two jobs I am looking forward to putting some of these recipes to good use.
This would be wonderful to prepare healthy meals on a busy week night at my house.
Easy meals, with minimal prep work on busy evenings would be great! Coming up with new recipes is time consuming, so having some already for me would be AWESOME!
This would help tremendously as home-school never ends at 5 p.m. dinner time let alone add time to prep. Can’t wait for meal ideas!!!
Anything that helps get dinner on the table more quickly and easily after a busy day of homeschooling is a HUGE blessing!
I love to try different recipes in my crockpot. This Instant Pot takes it to the next level! It would save me on those days I forget to get dinner going before homeschool starts.
I am a homeschooling mom to 4 blessings ages 16 to 6. Using my slowcooker more often would help to alleviate some of the chaos we have here in the evenings. I wish I had an instapot! I need it to make bone broth with lower histamines as I react to these. It also would be great since I tend to wait til about 3:00 to begin dinner prep! Thanks for the chance!
being a mom of 3 and another on the way… nursing as well. and all about healthy natural and from scratch things! oh…and I also am the bread winner… 😛 …. a crockpot can be a lifesaver for us. ours is on its last leg and I am just praying it makes it through the coming cold season!!! crockpot recipes and just having it for bone broth even is all WONDERFUL and such a blessing in our household. when my husband met me he hadn’t EVER used one. and now… even he says he couldn’t live without it!
It always makes it easier to have a challenge so there’s motivation to follow through!
I am a mother of 3. I homeschool the older 2. My youngest just turned 1. I also work in a hospital full time 12 hour night shift. This could be my answer to dinner woes!
I would love to cook legumes and various root veggies from scratch … lots of fiber and nutrients … soups done so well that they need not be pureed!
This challenge would help me come up with meal ideas and be great getting dinner done on busy days!
I’m looking for a way to make my life less chaotic. I enjoy the slow cooking. I’m interested in the Instant Pot. I homeschool two Blessings and would like to us to spend more time together and to encourage the joy of preparing meals. We are always looking for new recipes that are healthy.
I have a friend who has been recently singing the praises of her instant pot- I would love to try it out, too!! Thank you for the opportunity and the challenge!
With an open heart surgery in my youngest’s near future, using the crock pot will be very helpful in accomplishing our usual home cooked meals.
I often have four grandchildren at home to help their mom and dad out because they need to work. This would help me immensely.
I am always looking for new recipes to try out in the ease of a crockpot!
Busy family life is made easier with a slow cooker. Our regular one has a “broken leg” which means careful balancing! An Instant Pot would make cooking for our family of 6 so much easier.
I’m a mom of two kiddos AND a nursing student, this would help tremendously with helping me create healthy yummy meals at home quickly.
With four kiddos, 7, 5, and 2 year old twins, I’m always looking for quick and easy ways to make a healthy dinner!
This looks like a good replacement for our current one.
We’re new to homeschooling, so meal planning is now a must. A slow cooker helps in that it allows me to put more time toward my kids and less direct time with the cooking.
After my stroke I need all the meal planning and help I can get.
I love slow cooking!…It’s so nice to have a hot meal ready to go for the family. By the end of most days (around dinner time) I’m tired, so just knowing that dinner is ready is awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!
I already use my slow cooker almost every day–more recipes are always a good thing!
I love my IP and could definitely use another. I found quite a few items to use in my IP at IKEA like steamer basket and silicone cups – got to back.
I’ve had to go back to work and anything that helps me take care of our large family is always greatly appreciated.
I am a mom of 3. I have a newborn and I have a hard time getting a hot meal on the table since my little one came, and with the new school year coming (we homeschool) I foresee more need for good slowcooker ideas
We are newly Paleo, which has been difficult because my kids are picky waters. I hate planning meals because we’re busy and it gets hard to stick to it. Eating Paleo makes it impossible to get take out, so cooking is a must. An Instant Pot would be so helpful with this.
Even though I know how beneficial meal planning is for my family, I still don’t take the time to do it. This will help me to do it and to follow through- another weak spot of mine.
I ought to use my Crock-Pot more . . . I’m a Homeschooling mom with 6 children, and my youngest little guy is teething, so I’m exhausted at the end of the day!
I would love to win this Instant pot. I was actually thinking about buying one. It would save me a lot of time on meals.
It would make so much more sense to prepare dinner in the morning when I have more energy, rather than in the evening when I am ready to collapse! I am looking forward to this.
Having dinner in the slow cooker helps the day to be more efficient because I am not stressed about what is for dinner!
I love using my slow cooker, but I really need some more recipes to make in it. Thanks for this opportunity!
food that tastes good made fast!
I need the ease of use to get more family meals ready instead of having to run out at the last minute!
I think this Slow Cooker Challenge will give me more time to deal with the increasing demands of our busy family life. I’m looking forward to it!
Having a crock pot meal makes dinner less hectic and clean up simpler. And none of that last minute scrounging for dinner!
Using a slow cooker forces me to plan ahead and things are always better when I plan ahead.
Would absolutely love to have this for my family of 8! Healthy and simple meals!
I have a friend who uses her instapot for literally every meal. I’ve not bitten the bullet yet…but I’ve known it’s been coming since she shared her secrets. Thanks for posting! I will be following this journey.
I’m trying to do more meal planning to save money, and I’m also trying to cook healthier. My husband wants me to help him lose wight. I used to have a crockpot before I moved/got married, but it belonged to my roommate. In fact, I used a slow cooker to make my first big party meal all by myself. I was so excited.
This is so needed. I’m a full-time working, pregnant, homeschooling mother of two. I think that about says it all… 🙂
It will save me come calories!
I use my Crock-Pot all the time, often sits on my counter cooking something all week 😉
I’d love to try the instapot ….
Cooking crockpot meals helps me plan for healthy meals and helps with my homeschool day.
Wow! I love this challenge! What a great idea!im currently between slow cookers but hope to rectify that soon and can’t wait to get started!
Heading into the beginning of our homeschool year. I need to make a point to use my slow cooker more often.
I’m a bit challenged at planning ahead for meals with homeschooling and working full time, so I think this would be really helpful to learn what can be created out of healthy meals for my family in a short time.
Thanks for the challenge! Nothing beats walking in the door at dinner time to the wonderful aroma of food in the crockpot! Bonus, clean up is a breeze!
This is awesome! I love slow cooking, but don’t take enough advantage of slow cookers need new crocks & one needs new cord…
As a Nonnie raising an 8 year old boy with Papa, would surely love to have dinner ready when he gets home. So much energy this little man has…but not me. 🙂
Planning ahead allows me to make healthier choices. It’s nice using the crock pot and having a meal ready without the hustle and bustle in the evening.
The slow cooker challenge might help me a bunch! I never even knew there was such a thing until several years after moving out on my own. We weren’t really given real or made from scratch much, and I had no clue how to cook! Now I know a little about slow cookers but have zero recipes or ideas. Looking forward to trying something new 🙂
I love my slow cooker. I use it a couple times a week. If I didn’t have it my family would go hungry we use it so much and I work late most days!
I’d love an Instant Pot! I’ve heard so many great things about it and I think it would simplify my time in the kitchen.
I’ll be going back to work full time as a CNA in November, after a 9 year hiatus as a stay-at-home mom. I know that we’ll be utilizing our slow cooker most days while I work, and I’m even considering getting another pressure cooker (ours met a sad untimely death a while back). The challenge will help for me to gather up recipes that our family will love, and help to keep things fresh so we don’t get bored too. Thanks so much for doing this!
We have a kitchen remodel ahead of us so we are looking at cooking options without a stove.
I love the printable shopping list, that is the most challenging part for me. Thanks!
With the kids about to start dance and sports again, I’m hoping this challenge will give me less stressful evenings so I can have the energy left to enjoy family dinner time!
I’m most excited for 30 extra recipes for the challenge. I only know a handful of recipes to use the slow cooker for so I would like to expand my slow cooker horizons.
We now live in a house with no air conditioning which means I have no desire to use my oven during the summer. Using the crockpot is a much better option, but I just don’t think to use it in time!
I love using my slow cooker and crock pot. It’s so nice to not have to stand and cook for an hour before a meal!
I have loved cooking in my crock pot for many years now. It is so very helpful, especially on days we are out and about away from home to have supper ready! I have been eyeing the Instant Pot and would LOVE to try one out for my family since I rarely get supper going in time to be early enough!
Gotta keep the family fed
Freezer meals and slow cookers and now handy instant pots help
I always struggle to get dinner on the table. This ends up with a lot of eating out, and we just can’t afford it.
The slower cooker challenge would help me because I’m very busy with my farm life and working. I LOVE to cook, but a lot of days I’m just so tired after the day that I don’t feel like cooking. I would really to be able to throw something together and have it “ready” when I get home
I’d love to win an Instant Pot. With 9 in our family and starting a new home school year, time for cooking is almost non-existent! Thank you for the Challenge and offering a chance to win!
A slow cooker would help so much with my habit of forgetting to start roasting on time.
I’ve struggled with cooking in the recent heat wave – this would make cooking bearable again, not to mention faster and easier.
As a Homeschool mother of 4, this challenge would help me stay on task and quickly and effenciently provide me and family nutritious meal. An instant pot would definitely make life easier!!
Let me count the ways it would help me….
1. Actually have breakfast
2. Have meat on hand for my husband’s lunches- he works a very physical job and needs this.
3. Soup, stew, sauce – not where it would be a safety challenge in our teeny kitchen, all contained.
4. Save my bacon when my plans haven’t worked out.
5. Help others who are going through a hard time.
6. Give each of my girls confidence they can make a nourishing meal at their skill level.
7. Take a full meal with us on short trips to save us from eating out.
And, of course, a lot more…. But I don’t have a slow cooker right now, ours went kaputzi in January when I needed it most. Need to replace it.
I would love to avoid the last minute dinner rush! Using a slow cooker more often will hopefully take the anxiety out of dinner prep. Thanks for the giveaway!
Perfect for those easy stress-free dinners!
It is back to school and as a kindergarten teacher with 22 5 year olds this would be great to use to have dinner ready when I get home. Also it comes in very handy when fixes meals for my co-workers who are going through a rough time. This is coming at a really great time as I will be fixing some meals to take to a co-worker whose husband is going to have Lung surgery in two weeks. This way I can prepare the meals put in disposable dishes and she will just have to reheat.
A slow cooker challenge is a great idea! I love slow cooker meals, because I can fix them and forget them. And then dinner is ready when I need it! I can usually also make enough to feed my family 2 or 3 (sometimes more) times with a slow cooker meal. Leftovers are awesome!! 🙂
We are moving back to the States from serving in Nicaragua in 6 weeks. We are having to sell a lot of things, like our crockpot, because we can only bring so much of our things back on the plane with us. So, this would be a huge blessing!
As a crazy busy single mama with kid with special neds, I need all the help I can get. Been able to quickly and easily cook a healthy meal would be a dream come true!
I love using my crockpot but there are days I plan to use it and forget to take something out of the freezer, and then there are days I get behind and can’t thr I was dinner together as quickly as I would like. My friend has an Instant Pot and lover it. I think having one would help me out quite a bit.
It’s definitely good to get ideas! I would really like to get started
This will be great! My husband(who is our normal cook) is having surgery next week so I’ll need to be the cook for a while.
As a work-from-home homeschooling mom with kids involved in several activities, crockpot meals are my favorite. I am looking forward to the challenge!
Crock Pots are a huge deal with our family. We are a family of 6 and the crock pot comes in handy with our busy day.
I’d love to make myself use the crockpot more – I think we might get more variety in our meals if I were to do that!
I am a very busy SAHM that also homeschools my children, so I can’t always spend a lot of time on dinner. This slow cooker would help me out so much by allowing me to set it and forget it! Slow cooker meals are so delicious and make dinner so easy on me! 🙂
I love using my slow cooker but with a new job and a new baby on the way I know I need to use it a lot more. It saves so much time and tears when it’s close to dinner time but mama has to cook instead of holding the hangry baby.
I need to work on making more healthy meals for my family
Now that we’ve started our homeschool year and we have sports happening, I need to hold myself accountable to the slow cooker challenge to make life easier!
The slow cooker challenge will help me by being able to be more organized in meal planning. I won’t have to worry at the last minute on what I need to fix for dinner. I’ll be more prepared so it will make dinner time less stressful.
I’m always on the lookout for slow cooker recipes. There just never seems to be enough of them for me but, I’m spying that cookbook you have announced and it’s going on my “must have” list! Thank you for posting that. I’ve never heard of an instant pot before! Sounds amazing!
The Instant Pot would make it so much easier to get a meal on the table for our family of 7. Especially with it being our first year homeschooling!
Slow cooking is so nice when you have different schedules, too. Everyone can have a good, healthy meal when it makes sense for their schedule. Works great in our house, though I’ll have to try some of the cookbooks; I need new ideas!
Starting another year of homeschooling and it would be great to have a meal ready at dinner time instead of trying to get one together after a long day of homeschooling. I love my slow cooker and what it can do!
I think the slow cooker challenge will help me save time. Less time cooking and more time doing the things we love.
Thank You I just signed up:) This will help me to not use my oven and keep my house cooler:)
Being able to prepare meals when it fits your schedule and then cook quickly without much fuss makes everyone’s day easier (and meals more nutritious).
I struggle with meal planning…maybe this will help me!
I always struggle with meal planning. I love using my slow cooker. This will be a big help.
I L-O-V-E my crockpot, but I have very few recipes for it. I will embrace this challenge with GLEE! I’d really love to win the instant pot, as I’ve always wanted a pressure cooker and a rice cooker, and having the three-in-one would be heavenly! Thank you so much for this contest!
Having an instant pot would be so helpful once we start school. Being able to just throw ingredients in the instant pot and not having to baby it or stir it, so I can focus on other tasks that need to be completed would be a God-send.
Looking forward to making “healthier” meals by using my slow cooker – and hopefully win the Instant Pot!
i use lsow cooker or crock pot for differnt reason the one is the state stay in the
and then i like that i can come in and do the meat and pot and veg in one meal
I love my slow cooker! I’m excited about discovering new recipes.
As the veteran homeschooling Mom of nine, plus 3 grandchildren and bonus family I can always use some help with having meals ready around here.
This is so great for my family because we are busy and don’t have the time for putting together a home cooked meal,I know take out is often unhealthy and I want a better diet for us. I am under time restraints on a daily basis and would love to come home to the aroma of a home cooked meal in the slow cooker,I have a family and also care for 2 adults siblings,one of which is terminally ill and perhaps I can cook up some nice meals they would be able to eat.
The Slow Cooker Challenge would be helpful for our busy schedule.
A slow cooker challenge would simplify my “what am I making for dinner???” dramas, lol!
Mine too! I usually hate it when my husband says “What are we doing for supper?” but this week I’ve had an answer every single time!
I’ve got a family of 6 – me, my husband and four boys..just starting to hit the teen years. I’m looking for easy but filling meals, and slow cooker meals will help in that regard.
I am so glad to find this! With back to home school, it is hard enough to get all school for 4 grades done plus the needs of 2 toddlers. (Not to mention laundry, dishes, etc). It is hard to then have supper on the table. This will motivate me to get it done first thing in the morning and give me some new inspiration on recipes!
I’ve never seen this Instant Pot before – thanks for the good information. The Pot and a Challenge will help me to feed the family for sure. When they get to be “teenagers” it’s so much harder to cook in quantities that keep everybody healthy, happy and full.
Would love to try this out with some new recipes
Meal planning and I do not get along! This challenge seems like the best way for me to actual meal plan and stick to it! Plus, crock pot meals are simple, make the house smell amazing, and cut down on electricity costs!
This challenge will convince me to make something besides chicken and vegetables
10 year old wants to learn how to cook more complicated. Stovetop scary!!! An InstaPot would expand all of our cooking abilities and keep open flame to a minimum. Did I mention we have a GAS stove?
I use my crock pot a lot and always have!
this is so cool! i’ve been hearing about these! i’d love one; it would revolutionize my dinner making…
I hate cooking, my skills are bare minimum and we eat way to much frozen stuff.
This challenge would really help me because I would love to make slow cooker meals, especially when it’s so hot outside, and new ideas are always welcome!
This awesome pot would make serving healthy dinners on the busy days so much easier!!
I think this would help us to eat healthier. I would love to take the challenge. The cookbook would help greatly
for some reason we never thought about getting a slow cooker. this would be so helpful for us since we both work in healthcare and can work really long hours.
I think this i a great idea. Nutritious meals instead of fast food when time is constrainted
We are moving next week – and having an Instant Pot would help me get healthy meals ready quickly as I’m trying to unpack and help my family get settled in a new city.
This would help my large family have healthy food on busy night.
i have 4 kids, a childcare and a business i am starting. this would enable me to eat real food and not live on taco bell
This Would Help Make OuR Days Go Smoothly.
What great timing for this challenge! I was already working a part time job and making 2 or 3 crockpot meals a week, but now I’ve got another part time job and I’m having a really difficult time getting dinner on the table! This is just what I need.
I would love to have an InstaPot. I’ve heard so many great things about them. First on my list would be bone broth.
I’ve heard they are a time saver, and also heard that you can’t get better ribs than the ones made in the insta pot!
Between my hubby working long days, me working late afternoons and my daughter dancing 5 nites a week, this would help in making sure we have meals ready when we get home and save $ by not eating out!
With school, AWANA, swimming and life, this would make getting g dinner on the table easier.
LOVE using my slow cooker. We are a busy, busy family, getting busier as the kids get older. I love that I can put it in in the morning and forget about it!
My girls have late afternoon practices/activities that keep me busy when I need to prepare dinner. Crock pot meals help tremendously!
I love using my crockpot and am always looking for family friendly, budget friendly, healthy meals.
I just found out that my crock pot lid is no more. 🙁
I’d LOVE to win one of these to replace my now-lid-less crock pot!
With 4 boys all playing baseball this fall this will help me put good meals into them instead of fast food!
This time of year, with school starting & extra curricular activities, slow cooker meals are a necessity.