What would you do differently?
This thought occurred to me tonight as I flipped through Facebook reading the status’ of those buzzing about a new book called Four Blood Moons. I don’t know much about the book, but the idea that Jesus’ return is imminent seems to be the theme.
What would I do differently, right now, if I knew for sure Jesus was coming tomorrow? I’d wake my kids up and tell them the gospel one more time.
What would I do right now if I knew Jesus was coming back in two weeks? I’d talk to my kids about salvation every single day, and pray for them by the hour, and fill our home with praise and excitement.
What would I do if I knew that Jesus was coming back in two months? I’d read the Bible to my little ones every day, and change the whole focus of our school time.
What would I do if I knew Jesus was coming back in six months? I’d practice reading with my eight year old so often that he could read God’s word on his own. We would all pore over His word as a family in order to prepare our hearts.
Wait a minute. Wait just a minute.
I think this says a whole lot about what I should be doing right now. Today. Tomorrow. Next week.
And I’ll be blunt, I’m pretty sure that writing for a homeschool blog would not be on my list at all, and if it was on my list, what I’d write about would be very different. And that gives me pause.
Thanks for this post! Really a great reminder of what our focus in life should be in all aspects.
You are welcome.
If I knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, I’d share the gospel again with the kids, I’d knock on every door on my street to tell them.
If I knew Jesus was coming back in two weeks, I be sure my kids heard the gospel again, and I’d knock on every door on my street and tell them, and I might have time to make it to a couple adjacent streets. I’d bake cookies to take with me.
If I knew that Jesus was coming back in 6 months, I’d do both of the above, and talk to all my relatives by phone to be sure they understood the gospel. I’d write to my brother in prison and say I’m sorry it took so long to write and “I’ll see you by the pearly gates”. I’d go to the local Planned Parenthood and I’d share my testimony with anyone who would listen, at least once a week. Every time I went to the grocery store I’d be more concerned about sharing the gospel than getting enough food. I’d continue our homeschooling and such with more focus on the Bible, and service/evangelism towards others, instead of math and science and handwriting and other things needful for living in the world.
I guess I’d change a great many things. But most of those things can’t be changed on a lark… I’d need more support and help if I were to be out of the house this often, I’m pretty confident that I am doing precisely what the Lord wants me to do, sowing into the lives of the children He provided me, and reaching out as I am able. I could do better at the grocery store .
My 11 yo son says, if he knew Jesus was coming back in 6 months, he’d be sure to tell the church and organize a
larger evangelism team that went door to door.
My 8 yo daughter says she would read the Bible everyday. (This is a great feat for her as reading is extremely hard for her, its also something she told me the other day that she thinks the Lord wants her to do.)
I didn’t ask the other kids.
I love your ideas, and I love the fact that you talked about it with your kids! Thank you for sharing!