I’ve always been a bookworm! I believe this stems from my parents reading to me as a kid. Here are reasons why you should read to your kids every night!
After a long day, a bedtime story might be the last thing on your mind. However, reading bedtime stories can have so many benefits. It’s something that both of you will enjoy as you wind down for the day.
When reading to your children, read with enthusiasm. Show them just how exciting reading can be and it will help encourage them to continue doing it as they get older.
Why You Should Read to Your Kids Every Night
1. You learn so much from books!
Kids learn a wide variety of things from listening to you read! They can learn how to distinguish right from wrong, why they need to obey rules, and how to be a good friend. You can introduce kids to science, history, and more through literature. Therefore, books make great learning tools that you can use to teach your children valuable life lessons.
2. You can spend quality time with your kids
Reading bedtime stories can help you develop a strong relationship with your children because you’re going on this great adventure together. As you read the words on the pages, your children can allow their imaginations to go wild as they get lost in the words. As a result, reading to your children will bring you closer together.
3. Spark curiosity!
Reading helps to broaden the imaginations of young children and evoke curiosity. They will want to learn more about the animals in the forest or how their favorite character spent the day. They can imagine they are the prince or princess in the story or that they are visiting with the animals.
4. Gain perspective
Reading will help your children be more perceptive and ready to learn about the world in which they live and the things around them. What makes trees grow, where does the rain come from, and what kinds of fish live in the oceans? These are just a few of the amazing things your children can learn when you read bedtime stories to them.
5. Expand their vocabulary
Reading to your children exposes them to words they may not normally hear. As a result, you’re helping to increase their vocabulary while improving their listening skills. They can also see how some words have different meanings depending on how they’re used in a sentence, which improves speech.
Just five or ten minutes can make a huge difference in your children’s lives and you’re sure to enjoy it as much as they do. The next time you tuck your kiddos in bed, be sure to take a few minutes to read them a quick bedtime story.
My 3 year old asks me to read to him every single night. I’m sad to admit that lately I have been saying no… Definitely going to have to start back up, even if I’m tired. Thanks for the great post! 🙂