The Winter Olympics are coming! Do you remember that flurry of expectation you had as a child, knowing that the Olympics were coming and you could watch figure skating and ice dancing and skiing and you knew it was the one time your Daddy would let you watch as much t.v. as you wanted? That was me. I anticipated the Olympics with great relish and especially the figure skating events. I was so sad when they went to an every two years schedule. There was just something so special about waiting every four years!
In anticipation of Winter Olympics excitement in your homeschool, I bring you the Ultimate Homeschool Resource List.
Winter Olympics Printables
Notebooking Pages from
Reading, Comprehension, and Coloring Pages from Super Mommy to the Rescue
Word Search from Craft Gossip
Winter Olympics Printable Pack (PreK-1) from Owens Family
Winter Olympics Pack from Enchanted Homeschooling Mom
Olympics Copywork from Happy Scribe
Winter Olympics Unit Studies and Lapbooks
Internet Linked Unit Study from Only Passionate Curiosity
All About Winter Olympics from S&S Learning Studies
Winter Olympics from Live and Learn Press
Unit Study from Brandenburg Press
Winter Olympics 2014 from Engaging Lessons
Winter Olympic History from Founders Academy
Pockets of Time for The Magic Treehouse #13 (Olympics History) from Fortunately For You Books
The Ancient Olympics Lapbook from A Journey Through Learning
Winter Olympics Crafts and Activities
Sochi 2014 Crafts for Kids from DLTK
All Kinds of Activities from Education.Com
Winter Olympics Coloring Pages
Coloring Pages and Worksheets from Activity Village
Coloring Pages from Hello Kids
Coloring Pages from Kooker Kids
Coloring Book from
Winter Olympics Books
The Winter Olympics by Nick Hunter
The Treasures of the Winter Olympic Games (a beautiful history)
Freeze Frame: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics
Winter Olympics Apps and Games
Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi for Wii
Great list! I’m pinning!