So you’ve probably seen and read a lot of posts on many sites about the benefits of homeschooling from a mother’s perspective. But how many posts have you read about the benefits of homeschooling from someone who’s the one being homeschooled? There’s a lot you might know about us homeschooled teens, from the best ways to teach us with our limited attention spans, to fun experiments to do with Continue Reading >>
5 Reasons Not to Let Others Control What You Write
There are many reasons why you should take advice from the people around you. When it comes to writing, it’s even more important that you have a solid group of people that will tell you when a character doesn’t fit, or when a scene doesn’t make any sense. You need people when you plan to publish. You can’t do it alone, no matter what you think. But have you ever been in the position where Continue Reading >>
3 Ways to Know When Your Plot Isn’t Progressing
Have you ever had that great story idea--the one that was going to explode and set the world on fire? The one that movie producers would come and beg for the rights to make a film adaptation of? The one that would make you become a rich man (or woman)? Have you ever gotten one of those? But then you realize that the story you are writing just isn’t going anywhere. Sure, you’ve got some epic Continue Reading >>
Why You Need Community When You Publish
Hello all! I'm here again as your happy helper in your writing/publishing journey. Last month, I shared with you my trek through figuring out my writing goals and how setting goals sets you up for success. Today, I will be sharing the other half of my journey with you: publishing, and the people I met after I was (mostly) finished with my part of the publication process. And, as the title Continue Reading >>
Setting Goals: And How it Can Increase Your Chances of Success
Hey! I'm back with more ways to improve your writing craft and hone your creative skills. Today we will discuss how setting a writing goal for every week/month can increase your chances of success, and how it can benefit your life in other ways as well. We will go over the goal I set for myself, and how that has helped me grow as an author and as a person. I will take you through the steps Continue Reading >>
POV: A Character in Perspective
You may have followed my series on writing over the last few months. Now, instead of a series, I will continue to write about creative writing, but we won't have a set order for what comes next. Last month we finished discussing the main foundations of writing a novel: Setting, Characters, Plot, and Theme. Now I will be showing you some of the other parts of fiction and how one goes about writing Continue Reading >>