My favorite meal is Chicken Pot Pie. The day after Thanksgiving, we use all the leftover turkey and call it Turkey Pot Pie. Only it’s not really Turkey Pot Pie, it’s Turkey and Biscuits. And my Mother-In-Law (Janice) calls it Turkey And Dumplings. I use the filling recipe from the Better Home and Gardens® cookbook for Chicken Pot Pie.
But then I top it with these scrumptious home-made drop biscuits from Janice’s recipe for Chicken and Dumplings. The resulting conglomeration of recipes has become one of my favorite meals to serve my family. When my husband and I first married, this was one of the meals of his Mom’s I had to learn to make — because I loved it too!
(download the folding printable.)
We fiddled with the recipe together to come up with what we wanted. He insisted those biscuits were dumplings and I insisted that dumplings were what my Mom makes – big, flat, heavy noodles in a yummy sauce. Eventually our compromised recipe took on a taste and form that combines all of our favorite parts of the recipes we grew up with. A recipe that represents our marriage. A recipe our entire family enjoys. It doesn’t matter whether we use Leftover Turkey or leftover chicken, it always turns out yummy and makes us smile. I’m making it tonight!
My favourite dish to cook has got to be Chutney Chicken (recipe here: It is a recipe handed down from my gran to my mom. My hubby and children regularly ask for it and its inexpensive to make too 🙂 Every time I eat it I think of my childhood running around my grandparents farm. My Gran still prepares it every time we visit her ♥
My favorite meal to eat and my favorite meal to cook are 2 different things. My 2 absolutely favorite meals to eat are Eggplant Parmesan and Shrimp and Grits. I don’t make either. My favorite meal to make is pot roast, because my boys love it and it’s easy to make in a slow cooker. You can see the recipe here — as well as how I stretch one roast into 3 meals, so there are actually 3 recipes here:
Hi, Amy! 🙂 With 10 in our family, you learn to just be happy with getting food period! 🙂 At our house, chicken and dumplings is a favorite too, but for us it starts with a turkey/chicken that I roast, debone, simmer in a broth. I add a few vegetables and then I have a basic dumpling dough (flour/egg/milk) that I drop by teaspoonfuls in boiling broth. Undoubtedly a favorite here! Our version is actually a German recipe called Nook-a-la or something else which I can’t remember. (I doubt it matters since we’ve probably changed it so much from the original!)
Chicken Pot Pie for us is chicken and vegetables in a white sauce in a casserole dish. Then I roll a double recipe of homemade pie dough on top. Bake till bubbly. A big 10 x 14 deep dish pan is barely enough for us now, and within a year or two I’ll have to be making 2 pans.
wow! That looks so good, it might just be my favorite meal & I don’t know it yet. My favorite meal is probably some kind of soup & a hearty bread.
mmmm. Sounds like a Panera. One of our favorite date locations :). Try the recipe! You will love it!!! Use my handy-dandy printable 🙂
Vietnamese pho, it’s warm and comforting.
Ours would have to be red beans and rice. Cheap and tasty with fresh garlic!