Hey guys, Darkroomdiva here.
So you’ve learned about lighting, you’ve learned about angle, and you’ve learned about editing. Now it’s time to learn about how all those work together.
Since I’ve taught you all the main factors of photography, teaching you how they work together will not take too much of your time.
This is a photo with no editing. As you can see, I chose my lighting and angle–I took a picture indoors, but I took advantage of the natural light that was coming through. It was overcast outside, so not too much light came in, giving the picture a duller tone. I used a close-up angle, just flat though, not at a tilt. Depending on the photo, you can tilt it however you want; I would say, though, that landscapes are the best option if you decide to angle your camera more.
This is my photo after editing. I lowered the brightness and enhanced the shadows, giving the photo a little more contrast (I went higher for that meter too). I sharpened the picture and enhanced the clarity just a tad. Then I added my penname in the bottom corner using the text button. Also, if you’re not shy about playing around with some of the tools on picmonkey (which I used for this photo), you can go into effects and try out some of those. I did use one effect called bloom, which smooths out the fur a bit and gives the photo a softer feel.
If you want to try something different than what I have been teaching you in this series, then go right ahead. Just like any other art, there really is no “right” way to do it, it just depends on your artistic style. Think of what I have been saying about photography more as guidelines than rules.
I hope you have enjoyed my series on photography, and that you received some help on this topic. God bless you all,
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